Mulherpedra is far stronger than your wild imaginations. She could bend and torn apart metal tools easily using her super muscular arms and pecs. In this video she bent some metal…
Mulherpedra is so massive and muscular, that no metal bar, no metal tool, no metal could resist her strength, in this video, she picks two hard and metal made soup ladle…
Marta Strong did again, bent some metal bars with some rage and effort. Those were some hard bars, very thick and hard. But those were not a challenge to Marta!!!
Maria Luiza is stronger than you and she can even lift trees with her strength. In this video, she cuts, lifts, and carries a tree trunk around. Throwing some heavy chunks…
Karla tries to work like a normal secretary, but those clothes are too thin, pressing her muscles and making her angrier and angrier, and in her rage she destroys her…
Karla flexed her muscles and destroyed some kitchen utensils with incredible strength. She used her bed as a makeshift weight and lifted it up effortlessly, showing off her muscle-girl feats…
Ruth destroys some hard and sturdy pans using her muscular arms and physique. She shows how she could crush you easily. Watch her big and powerful physique smashing all that…
Tai flexes her muscles and bends more metal showing how strong she is. She destroys metal and iron with her bare hands. Her muscles bulge with her incredible power. Watch…