Gil Cunha destroys another metal toy car 0 (0)

Gil Cunha destroys another metal toy car<span class="rmp-archive-results-widget rmp-archive-results-widget--not-rated"><i class=" rmp-icon rmp-icon--ratings rmp-icon--star "></i><i class=" rmp-icon rmp-icon--ratings rmp-icon--star "></i><i class=" rmp-icon rmp-icon--ratings rmp-icon--star "></i><i class=" rmp-icon rmp-icon--ratings rmp-icon--star "></i><i class=" rmp-icon rmp-icon--ratings rmp-icon--star "></i> <span>0 (0)</span></span>

Gil Cunha destroys another metal toy car 0 (0)


Gil Cunha is a bulldozer. She demolishes another metal toy car using her hands. Other models use feet and bodyweight to crush those models... Gil doesn t. She uses her big…

Gil Cunha bends and rips a metal toy car 5 (1)

Gil Cunha bends and rips a metal toy car<span class="rmp-archive-results-widget "><i class=" rmp-icon rmp-icon--ratings rmp-icon--star rmp-icon--full-highlight"></i><i class=" rmp-icon rmp-icon--ratings rmp-icon--star rmp-icon--full-highlight"></i><i class=" rmp-icon rmp-icon--ratings rmp-icon--star rmp-icon--full-highlight"></i><i class=" rmp-icon rmp-icon--ratings rmp-icon--star rmp-icon--full-highlight"></i><i class=" rmp-icon rmp-icon--ratings rmp-icon--star rmp-icon--full-highlight"></i> <span>5 (1)</span></span>

Gil Cunha bends and rips a metal toy car 5 (1)


Gil Cunha picks a metal toy car for a fun demonstration of her immense strength. She received some very sturdy 1/24 metal toy cars. Incredible how much destruction Gil can make.…